How to create an Attio form

Use a Fillout form to create Attio contacts, companies, deals and custom CRM records. Embed your forms or share them anywhere.

What Attio is

Attio is a CRM platform that adapts to different business needs, effectively managing sales, customer relationships, and data. It stands out for its ease of use, strong data integration, and focus on security.

How it works

1. Link your Fillout form to Attio

Open the Fillout form you want to connect with Attio, then go to Integrations. Click Attio to link your form to an object.
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Enter a Name for your Attio connection, and click Connect to Attio.
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You will be prompted to grant access to a workspace of your choice. Hit Confirm to complete the connection.
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Lastly, select an Object from your Workspace where you’d like to sync form responses to, and then click Continue followed by Finish setup.
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Note: You can connect your Attio form to any object in your workspace.

2. Map your form fields on Fillout

You can map your Fillout fields to your Attio attributes either by dragging them from the left hand side when editing your form, or again on the Integrations tab.
To connect to Attio without doing manual mappings, you can simply drag the fields while on the Edit tab.
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Alternatively, you can click Edit on your Attio connection in the Integrations tab and do mappings there.
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Under Mappings, click + Add new. Match the fields in your Fillout form to the corresponding attributes in your Attio object.
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Tip: You can click the refresh icon on the right side to have the most recent changes reflect in Mappings.
Select the attributes you want to map in the Attio field dropdown on the left hand side, and then click Pick reference followed by the form page where you asked for the input you want to map to it. In our example, the referral's name is found in the Referral's Details page.
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Then, click Insert on the appropriate Fillout field.
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Do these same steps for the other fields you would like to map.

3. Publish and share

Publish your form. Now, answers to matched fields will appear in the attributes of your record on Attio.

Updating existing records

If you’d like to update existing records that already exist, just toggle Update if record already exists?. Then choose which attribute you’d like to use to determine the record to update.
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Specify a condition

You can run your integration only when a specific condition is met. Check out this guide.

Coming soon

We’ll be adding:
  • Connecting newly created records to Attio lists
Contact if you’d like early access to any of those features.
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