Collect a ranking on your form

Ask respondents to compare options by ordering them based on their preferences in a survey or form. Let your users rank a list of items from least to greatest.

How to add the ranking question type to your form

On the left-hand panel of your form, scroll down, and select Ranking or drag and drop the field anywhere on your form.
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Key in your question or statement and type the options. To add more questions, simply click on Add option or Bulk add at the bottom of the last option to quickly input a list of options in one go.
Here's how the ranking question type will look like on the respondent's end. To rank, they can drag the options to arrange the order based on their preferences. Alternatively, they may click on the options from their top choice to their least favorite accordingly.
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If they decide to change the ranking, they can click on Clear to remove the ranking numbers and start over.

The difference between ranking and rating

Although they may sound synonymous, ranking and rating questions have different purposes. Ranking questions are used to determine how strongly or weakly a respondent feels with items on a list. For example, asking respondents to rank their most and least favorite dessert. On the other hand, rating questions are asked to compare options on a scale. For example, asking them how they feel about a hybrid working setup from a scale of 1 to 10.

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