Page types

Use different type of pages on your Fillout form, add additional pages or use a single page for all your questions.

Default pages

By default, new forms in Fillout are single-page forms with a single Form page and an Ending page, which you can see at the bottom of the page.
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To create a multi-page form, simply add a new page to your form.

How to add a page

Click + Add page and select your page type. Choose between the following types below.
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List of page types

Form page
Cover page
Ending page
Review page
Payment page
Login page
Scheduling page

Copy and paste a page

Click or the vertical ellipsis next to the name of the page followed by Copy page. Then, paste anywhere using ⌘ + V or Ctrl + V.
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Alternatively, you may also click Duplicate page. From here, you will also be able to Rename page or Delete page.

Control the order of pages

You can arrange the order pages are shown to respondents through page logic.
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Related articles

Form page layout
Create multi-column forms
Create multi-column forms
Page logic