Create a lead quiz

Fillout’s advanced logic and email notification features help you generate fun and personalized form outputs, like outcome quizzes.


Lead quizzes are a reliable way to collect relevant contacts for your sales or marketing efforts. They work by asking leads a series of questions and generating a personalized scorecard or recommendation based on the answers.

How to build a lead quiz

1. Switch to Quiz mode

Open an existing form or create a new one. From the Fillout dashboard + Make a Fillout. Go to the Settings tab of your form followed by Quiz mode and enable this.
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Make sure to turn off Show correct answers after each page to ensure results are only accessible via respondent emails and custom end pages.

2. Add an email field and quiz questions

Back in the Edit tab of the form, scroll down to click Email input from the left-hand panel. Then, add your preferred quiz question fields.
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Tip: Rename each page as you add fields to make it easier to find them when setting up conditions.

3. Choose correct answers and score values

After adding a quiz question or field to a page, click it followed by the Quiz icon to open the answer key window.
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Add a checkmark next to each correct answer and provide a Score value.
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4. Customize a quiz’s ending page(s)

By default, ending pages for quizzes will calculate and display each respondent’s total score. To hide this, go to your ending page from bottom of the screen. Click the score field, and turn off Show quiz score from the right-hand settings menu.
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For lead quizzes that don’t have correct/incorrect answers (e.g. Find out which workout routine is best for your body type), add text and media that is shown only when specific answers were provided throughout the quiz.
Click on any field on an ending page followed by the Logic settings in the right-hand panel. Choose the Show when option, and click Edit conditional logic to configure when text or media should be shown or hidden.
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Sometimes, multiple ending pages are easier to manage than one with too many hidden fields.
Click + Add page at the bottom to add more Ending pages, and set up conditions that lead to these pages by opening Logic. Click the + icon and drag the connector to the corresponding end page.
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Set up custom respondent emails

Go to Settings, and click Custom emails to choose an email workflow. The quickest one to create would be the Thank you email option. Create workflow to Edit the content of your email.
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You can edit the default Subject and reference fields like score or name by clicking the + icon.
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Go to Email to edit the default message and reference fields. You can also customize its style.
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You can personalize lead quiz notifications by sending custom emails depending on the score. First, add a Branch action to your workflow. Edit to set up conditional logic.
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For example, if a lead scores less than 5, we’ll send them an email that includes an encouraging message with links to learning resources. Then, we’ll + add a different email branch for those who scores greater than or equal to 6.
Tip: If you prefer to send formatted emails with custom styles, use Fillout’s Sendgrid or Mailchimp integrations.

Add calculations to ending pages and custom emails

Fillout’s calculations features let you add, subtract, multiply, divide, or assign values from quiz answers (e.g. suggesting a daily caloric intake based on a respondent’s weight, height, and exercise frequency).
Open Logic and click Calculations to add dynamic values to an ending page or respondent email.
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