Enable email notifications

Get notified via email when someone submits your form, or encounters an integration-related issue.

How to turn on email notifications

Go to the Settings tab. Toggle the Self-email notifications switch and enter your email.
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That's it! Publish and share your form. You'll now receive an email each time someone submits your form.

Enable integration error notifications

Sometimes, third-party integrations can have unexpected errors when using them. For example, their service was down, or took too long to respond. Fillout will always still save the responses for those forms, and it can also send you an email with the error that occurred!
From the home page, click your Account name at the bottom left corner followed by Settings & Members.
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Then, go to General and toggle Enable integration alert notifications? to enter your email. Be sure to Save changes.

Send custom emails to respondents

You can also send custom emails to respondents when they submit your form. Learn how to do that in this guide.

Other notification features

Connect your form to Slack
Connect your form to Slack
Custom email notifications
Respondent notification email