Map Fillout fields to integrations

Configure form fields and values to send to Notion, Airtable, and other database integrations.

One of the most important parts of connecting to a database is connecting your form fields to actually be sent to your database when the form is submitted.

How to map fields

1. Connect a database

Head to Integrations and connect your form to Airtable, Notion, HubSpot, or other databases.

2. Drag and drop synced columns

Go back to Edit. On the left-hand panel, you'll see columns from your database automatically synced. Drag and drop these to your form.
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You might want to send additional information to Airtable, Notion or other databases when a user submits your form, other than your form fields. For example, you might want to save:
  • URL parameter
  • Static values
  • Submission date
You can always create a field and pre-fill it with a certain value, and then connect that field to Airtable or Notion (via the Connect menu in the right-hand settings panel of that field, but the Mappings section lets you do this more directly).
For example, let's connect a URL parameter via Mappings. Head to the Integrations tab, you will see your mappings at the bottom of the page. You can then + Add new, and pick a field in Airtable, and then any referenceable value in Fillout!
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