Fillout Workflows
Turn forms into powerful automations. Reclaim your team's time with Fillout's built-in form and scheduling workflows.
Fillout Workflows is the fastest way to build multi-step automations that trigger based on your Fillout forms and schedulers. Get started with your first workflow here.
Common use cases include automatic meeting reminders, follow-up emails, 3rd party app calls and more.
Workflow types
☑️ Approvals
🗓️ Scheduling
✨ AI
How to create a workflow
Go to Workflows from the top menu to create a
+ Blank workflow
. Select which form you’d like to apply the workflow to in the dropdown menu. Then, choose a trigger.
Alternatively, you may open an existing form first or create a new one, then click Integrate on the top menu followed by
.Workflow triggers
A trigger refers to a condition that starts a specific action or series of actions. Examples are:
✅ Form submitted
🛒 Form abandoned
📆 Scheduling event canceled
🔄 Event rescheduled
⏳ Before event starts (reminder emails)
Then, choose an action and
it according to your preferences. To add more actions, press the +
Workflow actions
Actions are the tasks or steps that are automatically carried out after a trigger occurs. Examples are:
💬 Send Slack/Teams/Discord messages
🔗 Send Webhooks
⚡️ Connect to Zapier (coming soon)
Edit an existing workflow
Go to Integrate from the top menu of your form, and click
. Select a workflow to edit it.
Test workflows with prior submissions
Test your workflows without waiting for triggers or creating demo submissions.
1-click automations with templates
The fastest way to get started with workflows is from a template. These are common use cases for Fillout Workflows.

Monitor workflows in one place
Easily track email notifications and other workflows, with full visibility of what happened when. To view workflow runs, open your form and go to Integrate from the top menu. Click the
clock icon
You can also view a single form submission and click on the
tab. The workflow run history shows when each step occurred and if there were any issues.
Good to know: You can have as much as 5 different workflows in one form.