Custom favicon

Add your logo or icon to a browser tab and in shareable Fillout link previews.

What is a favicon

A favicon, short for "favorite icon," is a small image or icon associated with a website. It is displayed in the browser's address bar, next to the page title in browser tabs, and can also be shown in bookmarks and history lists. Favicons serve as a visual representation of a website and help users quickly identify and distinguish between different tabs or bookmarks when multiple web pages are opened simultaneously.
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How to add a favicon

From your workspace, click your Account name, then go to Settings.
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Head to General. Under Custom favicon, click Add image.
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Note: This feature is available on Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans. Learn more about our pricing plans and advanced features here.
Drag & drop or upload your logo or icon. Alternatively, you can also copy and paste an image link. Then, click Set image.
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Lastly, click Save changes. You're good to go! Your logo or icon will now appear on your forms' browser tabs and links.

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