Fair use policy
Details on our usage limits, custom plans and how they help us maintain a reliable and efficient service for all Fillout users.
Fillout operates on a fair use policy. This policy is designed to ensure the quality and accessibility of our services for all our users, regardless of payment tier. To provide a reliable and affordable service, we need to ensure that usage is kept within reasonable limits to prevent system abuse and maintain fair resource distribution.
Sample scenarios of excessive usage
Collecting large amounts of file uploads on the
free tier
For example, uploading over 50 GB of files per month or 300 GB of total storage
Gathering a very large volume of submissions on the
business tier
For example, consistently receiving over 30,000 total submissions per month
Sending a very large number of emails on the
business tier
For example, sending more than 10,000 emails in one month
What happens if you exceed the limits
If your usage exceeds the fair usage limits, you'll receive a notification via email, prompting you to upgrade your plan or take steps to reduce your usage. If usage continues to exceed the limits without any changes, we may need to temporarily limit or suspend your access to some features of Fillout.
If you
expect to have consistently high usage
, reach out to us about a custom Enterprise plan to support your needs.