Fillout Launch Week II

Join us for Fillout’s first launch week of 2024.

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Last October, Fillout held a Launch Week where we unveiled a major new feature every day for a week.
Crazy as it sounds, we had enough fun in the process that we decided to bring back Launch Week for round 2. Our team’s been working on these updates for months and we can’t wait to see them in action.
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What to expect

Just like last time, we don't want to spoil the surprise, but here’s a teaser of what to expect. Come back here each day to see what we launch, or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to keep up to date.

Monday: Login 2.0

Monday February 12th, 2024: 8am PT
Today's theme is Login 2.0. Adding the upgraded login page to your form is more than just a way to verify email addresses. It also streamlines a lot of data intake workflows - more details below!
View all the new features here.

Tuesday: Subforms and Submission Pickers

Tuesday February 13th, 2024: 8am PT
Today we're introducing two powerful new field types to Fillout: the Subform and Submission picker.
These advanced fields enable a new set of data collection use cases.
View all the new features here.
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Wednesday: Free REST API, 3rd party apps & integration tools

Wednesday February 14th, 2024: 8am PT
Today we released major upgrades to Fillout's developer features, including a free REST API, and tools to manage 3rd party integrations.
View all the new features here.

Thursday: Voice input & transcribe with AI

Thursday February 15th, 2024: 8am PT
Today we're introducing a new way to collect input in Fillout: voice. Voice is a convenient way to collect responses for long-answer inputs or data collection in the field.
Plus, with recent advances in AI, you get accurate transcriptions almost instantly, powered by OpenAI and Azure.
View all the new features here.
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Friday: Documents and PDF Generation

Friday February 16th, 2024: 8am PT
We've saved the biggest update for last.
Fillout now has native PDF and document generation features, plus an AI-powered tool to turn your PDFs into online forms.
View all the new features here.
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That's a wrap for our first Launch Week of 2024. Thanks again for following along. As always, let us know of any feedback or feature requests!
Dominic Whyte

Written by

Dominic Whyte

Dominic is a co-founder at Fillout. He previously worked in engineering & product at Retool. Prior to Retool, he started Cheer (backed by Sequoia and acquired by Retool in 2020).