Fillout Launch Week

Join us for Fillout’s first ever launch week.

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Next week is Fillout’s first ever Launch Week. We’ve been building up to this point for several months and our team is very excited to finally share it with you all.

What’s a launch week?

Every day next week, we’ll be announcing a major new capability in Fillout. These will range from features that unlock entirely new use cases to overhauls of core parts of the product.
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The idea of a launch week was popularized by developer-tools startups like Supabase and Railway. The Supabase CTO wrote a great article about the what and why behind the idea here.
We’re keeping a high bar for what counts as a launch week capability vs. a normal feature update. If you use Fillout, I can almost guarantee that at least 3 of these will have an immediate impact. If that’s not the case, the launch week is a flop!

What to expect

We don't want to spoil the surprise, but here’s a teaser of what to expect. Come back here each day to see what we launch, or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to keep up to date.

Monday: Powerful email workflows

Monday October 16th, 2023: 8am PT
Today's theme is powerful email workflows. With these new features, you can automate sending personalized emails directly from your forms - and a whole lot more.
View all the new features here.

Tuesday: A new way to collect and track submissions

Tuesday October 17th, 2023: 8am PT
Today, we're introducing a new way to share and track your Fillout forms. View all the new features here.
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Wednesday October 18th, 2023: 8am PT
Today, we're introducing a way to fully customize your form links - for free! Here’s how it works.

Thursday: Import your Google Forms

Thursday October 19th, 2023: 8am PT
Today's launch is a bit different. Instead of adding new features, we wanted to make it easier to get started with Fillout in the first place.
Introducing the Google Form Importer. Read more about how it works here and let us know what you think if you try it out!

Friday: Workspaces v2 (now free) and multi-account support

Friday October 20th, 2023: 8am PT
For our last launch, we tackled one of the most frequent complaints about Fillout: managing lots of forms or multiple accounts. Here’s how it works.
That's a wrap for Launch Week. Let us know what your favorite update was or if you have any feedback on how we can improve Fillout. Thank you for following along!
Dominic Whyte

Written by

Dominic Whyte

Dominic is a co-founder at Fillout. He previously worked in engineering & product at Retool. Prior to Retool, he started Cheer (backed by Sequoia and acquired by Retool in 2020).